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        資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:離不開你 更新時間:2014-01-31
        需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
        轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:8333
        折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

        ABSTRACT:Appraisal theory mainly explores how the writer expresses his subjective attitude. It includes the attitude of the contents and the potential attitude of readers. The theory, especially the core subsystem of the appraisal theory, attitude system has an important value for analyzing the political speech. It can help us to understand the position, opinion and attitude represented by addresser and his country. This paper attempts to analyze deeply the metalanguage of the speech on the way of attitude, reveals the metalingual function of attitude, analyzes Obama’s attitude to supply his purpose that he calls on youth to pay attention to education and tries to offer some suggestion for readers to digest the speech deeply.

        Keywords: Attitude   Metalingual Function   Speeches



        關鍵詞:態度    元語言功能     演講


           Political speech is one of the important types of speeches that are paid attention to, by which we can understand the position, opinion and attitude represented by addresser and his country. Appraisal theory mainly explores how the writers express their subjective attitude. Thus the appraisal theory is often used for speech to express the attitude of the speaker. The attitude includes the attitude of the contents and the attitude of potential readers. Since a lot of people resolve the speech by one or two subsystems of appraisal theory, it is difficult to establish a complete system to analysis. As the core subsystem of the appraisal theory, attitude system focuses on the opinion of the writer. This paper attempts to analyze deeply the metalanguage of the speech on the way of attitude, reveals the metalingual function of attitude, analyzes Obama’s attitude to supply his purpose that he calls on youth to pay attention to education and tries to offer some suggestion for readers to digest the speech deeply.

        上傳會員 離不開你 對本文的描述:This paper attempts to analyze deeply the metalanguage of the speech on the way of attitude, reveals the metalingual function of attitude, analyzes Obama’s attitude to supply his purpose that he calls on youth to pay attention to education......
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